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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thunder showers with a chance of fair

Yeah - I couldn't resist that title.

Just a quick note today.  I made it back to the fair tonight - after it finally stopped raining.  I'm processing the panos I shot now.  Here's one. 


Tomorrow I'm heading north.  Gotta cool off!!  I'm gonna miss the twinkies but not the humidity!! 


  1. Your photos are awesome David.... They don't even look real. Beautiful. Looks like you are having a great trip. Can't wait for a David Show... That should be a separate first thrusday just for you... Stay safe and keep shooting...

  2. What a great new series you have, David! Love these shots. It's such fun to see where you have been. Happy Travels.
    XO BK

  3. Okay.....kind of off topic, but Jay wants to know if have false high hopes about this year's Browns.

    Great photos!
