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Monday, August 29, 2011

Fair and Unfair

The Colorado State Fair was HUGE!!  Wow - what a party.  If you're into junk food and red necks then this would be the place for you!

The day started out at 98 degrees and 85% humidity.  I walked all over the place until I felt like a big wet dishrag.  Nice imagery huh?  I took refuge in some of the buildings, but they weren't airconditioned so they weren't much better.  I did shoot this though.....

Prize Roosters - 25000 ISO
I also spent some time talking to the folks who work the fair.  This guy just said to title the shot "Sam Elliot", so; Thanks for sitting still for the pano Sam.

The heat was bad but the light started getting better.

Then the storm came in!!

I call this one 2 Ladies and a Tiger.

 I had fun, talked to a bunch of interesting people, got wet, ate fried stuff, and am happy with my shots.  A really good day!!

Today was the UNfair.  Not bad at all - just lots of quiet alone time.  450 miles of 2 lane highway through Kansas.  Here are a few images from today:

.Tanks and good night.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Got Clouds?

Yesterday was one of those  in between days - not a lot to shoot.  I kinda like this one.  I like the way the cloud on the left just sits on top of the hill echoing the shape.

There were other shots but nothing to write home about.  Is this home?  Anyway -  Last night I worked the South rim of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. This morning  found me on the North rim. You can't cross the canyon anywhere.  The roads in are about 30 miles apart.  How cool is that?.

Here are a few pics:

South side
North side - this one's a double pano

North again - Vertical pano
Black Canyon was one of my dad's favorite places.  Until this trip I didn't get it.  Sometimes you can see a place a whole bunch of times before you really see it.  I think he would have liked the shots from the north rim.  He liked the drama of the place and those two kinda bring that out.

I don't know if Irene had anything to do with it, but the clouds were great yesterday and today.  I drove through an amazing thunder storm coming through Monarch Pass.  It's over 11000 feet.  There were actually patches of snow!!

Here are a few more from today:

Without clouds they just wouldn't be very good at all.  Sorry East Coast - I hope it wasn't your hurricane I was thanking.

Tomorrow I'm spending the day at thew Colorado State Fair.....  Fried Twinkies..... Yummmmmmmmm.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

On The Road Again.......

Did you ever notice that you can change Willy's words from "The life I love is making music with my friends...." to "The life I love is taking pictures with my friends...." and the song still works?

I’m back on the road, in the saddle, in the groove…. Well grooving on the road anyway.  No more rats….. ok – one more rat (or two)

Or  three

OK – there will be rats, there will always be rats.  It’s just a fact.  Deal with it.

This trip takes us to the coast of Maine and Shenandoah National Park and everywhere in between.  If you have been reading this thing – then you know it’s the in between I love the best, although this whole trip is sort of in between.  Happy happy happy.

Today was day one.  I didn’t expect to shoot.  I got a late start and decided to just take the 15 North to get out of California and into Utah.  It was 120 degrees in the desert.  I really didn’t want to stop.

Ansel Adams once said that his greatest gift was always coming around a corner just as a photograph was about to happen.  Please know – I am NOT equating myself with the deity of landscape photography.  I’m just thinking maybe he was around today and I caught a little of his luck.  I got to Kolob Canyon about 10 minutes before sunset.  I had exactly 1 minute to set up and get this pano.  Seriously - look where the shadow is on the big rocks.

I love being on the road; at the whim of the gods of light and good fortune.  Who knows how many shots I whizzed by at 85 mph, but I got this one. 

It begins……..