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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Motel woes.....:

So last night I was lost in South Dakota.  I was getting tired and there wasn't a town in sight  There was the Prairie Motel ..... it didn't look like much but I was tired and it was getting dark.

Now don't get me wrong - I really didn't mind sharing the room with 4 or 5 HUGE crickets.  What the heck - I miss my dog....... they were almost that big...... I like wildlife.  If it was just the crickets I probably wouldn't even share the story.

But I gotta tell you about the bed.  You know what a taco bed is?  It's a bed that's so soft it sort of folds in around you when you get in.  Add to that valuer (am I spelling that right?) sheets - no they weren't flannel - I know flannel.  These were fluffy and thick.  I wear pjs.  Hey -I've been known to walk in my sleep - it's safer.  When I got into bed it was like sliding into Velcro.  I'm telling you I couldn't move.  I was a fly on flypaper or a bumper sticker on the back of my truck.  I'm telling you I was stuck!!! 

Ok, enough ranting.... here are some shots from the Dakotas - yesterday and today.

Pond in North Dakota
Yeah - another hay bail
You may have noticed some recurring themes.  Hey bails, ponds.... that happens.  You start seeing the same things over and over again.  They're sucker shots but sometimes that's all there is.

Another series I seem to have been shooting for a while are wind machines.  I like that I'm seeing so many..... alternative energy turns me on.  I may actually do something with these.  Here are a few from just this trip.  The one from Illinois is a pano.




  1. You know you're on a Skernick photo trip when you get stuck in a taco bed. Jay and I are still laughing. LOVE the hay bale shot and the fair shot. Would have loved to see the world's biggest pig.

  2. Now i know what a taco bed is. Have fun be safe. See you in a couple of weeks.

  3. OK I KNOW about taco beds, but velcro sheets that glomp on to you. . . now that is scary. I must say, I am still laughing about all this. Your shots are amazing. Those wind machines are wonderful. Good that you are having great weather. Have fun. BK

  4. These shots are all killer! You're lucky it's not possible to kill somebody and take their talent, because I'd have killed you with a steel pipe years ago... And this would be my blog.

    The wind machines are Green Porn and I love it. Hey! Let's do our TV show!
