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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

When it pours it rains

It's been raining for 3 days straight!!  Yeah - I know - there are hurricanes and stuff.  So it goes.

It's weird how this cross country shooting goes.  The day before yesterday I drove all day through Indiana and Ohio.  Pretty farms and corn fields (and rain), but nothing popped out photo wise.  I didn't stop once.

Then yesterday I stopped 3 times in one hour.  Here are the 3 shots - all in Ohio (in the rain).

This one's my favorite

About an hour (and another inch of rain) later I found this:

Later on in Pennsilvania I found a wet cow.

Today I shot this - also in Pennsylvania...... also in the rain:

It was the only time I stopped all day.  I drove all the way through Pennsylvania.  It was scenic and all - just not megga photo ops. 

I think the photos I've taken in the last few days have used the rain rather than been shot in spite of the wet stuff.  I think the rain gives these shots something they wouldn't have otherwise.  Saturation - yeah - but something else too.  It's a kind of sharpness.  Does that make sense?  I wonder what would have gotten my attention if it hadn't been raining.

Well it looks like I'll have another few wet days.  This front isn't going anywhere anytime soon.  At least the truck looks clean.  I look like a drowned rat but the truck looks good......

Lemmeknow what you think!!  The emails are great - but try posting your coments so others can read what you have to say!!

1 comment:

  1. David- I love your panos taken in Pennsylvania. It is a beautiful state. Great road shot, and I love the wet cow! All of your photos are excellent and beautiful, as your work always is.
