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Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Maine Thing

This might be the last post for a while.  My wife is coming in tonight to join me for a week!!!

So here's a funny story.  I went into a 7/11 today to get some coffee.  Yeah - there's a Dunkin Donut every 10 feet or so - but 7/11 is cheaper and you can make it your way and all.  Anyway - I went in and zap - it was like being back home.  I mean it was just like every other 7/11 and well I hadn't been in one since I left so it just took me right home.  I was thinking about how weird it was when I saw the blueberry flavored coffee.....yep - still in Maine!

Here are a few new shots:

Hey - it's not a pano!!!!
South Portland Head Light
This is sooooo Maine!!

Old Orchard Beach

Old Orchard Beach again

That's it for now!!  Ria's coming tonight and 8 of you guys are coming next week.  I'll write when I can!!

1 comment:

  1. Gawd these shots are gorgeous. I particularly love Noyes Pond, even if it's really Not Noyes Pond. Monet's got nothing on a well-played pano! Only shot that's better is Binnie's of Ruthie. I'm curious what lens you're using for most of your panos (and how it would translate to Canon). Stay wet and ratty. Can't wait to join.
