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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

If it's Tuesday - this must be Nebraska

OK, I've been on the road for 10 days now and I'm finally blogging!!!!  What can I say - I just wasn't lost enough yet.  That is - until now.  I'm somewhere in Nebraska.  I'll be spending the next 2 days at the Nebraska State fair.  Think about it - A middle-aged guy-from Los Angeles at the Nebraska State fair!!!  Lost at last!!! 

So I've driven close to 1000 miles so far in my quest for the perfect hay bail shot.  I shot a pano today in Iowa that I like. What do you think?

Up to now my favorite shots are all panos and all have that "Americana" look.  Here are a few:

This is Goose Pond in Indiana.

This one was in Illinois

.This is the Port Grafton Light along the Mississippi River.

Now you know what I've been doing..... 

More soon I promise.  I'll eat a corn dog for you!!


  1. They are insanely great, but what else would we expect from our fearless leader.

  2. Indiana, Iowa, are you only visiting the "i" states? I'll have to get out my atlas! Looks like you're having a wonderful time. Can't wait to see the other letters : -)
