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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Farm Out

It sort of seems like I picked the wrong time of year to be in the heartland.  Nothing is growing right now.  The firelds are empty, the trains aren't as active..... but you can see the barns better, so that's what I'm shooting!



There's other stuff too......
Crazy Horse Monument

It's been a fast trip and a great ride.  I'm hoping to get to Jackson tomorrow,  It will give me a chance to get some rest, do some laundry and scout a little. 

Here's something really cool.  My friend Laura designed my book cover - check it out!!!!!

I hope you like it as much as I do. 

OK - gotta go watch the draft now - who knows what the Browns will do if I don't pay attention!!


  1. David! Laura did a BEAUTIFUL job on that cover! What does this mean in terms of how far along the book is? I absolutely love that cow shot (yes, I meant "shot" with an "o", not the one with an "i" of monarch butterfly infamy). I'm curious: Based on the dimensions of that shot, is it actually 10 shots in one row, or is it a double-decker with 5 shots on each level? Best to Ruthie. -L. Scotty

  2. Thanks for sharing, I like these beautiful views and never find in my country. Have a nice day.
